Return of the Wrecking Ball!
The WNY Wreckers are looking forward to hosting our annual tournament once again! After 5 years, the Wrecking Ball is back - October 12th and 13th!
The event will be held at the Pinnacle Athletic Campus, 7600 Pinnacle Rd, Victor NY 14564.
The teams:​ WNY Wreckers, Akron Rhinos, Northeast Passage Wildcats, Gaylord Warriors, Maryland Mayhem, Pittsburgh Steelwheelers
Saturday Court 1 Court 2
9:00am Pittsburgh vs. Mayhem Rhinos vs. Wildcats
10:30am Wreckers vs. Warriors
12:00pm Warriors vs. Mayhem Pittsburgh vs. Rhinos
1:30pm Wreckers vs. Wildcats
3:00pm Pittsburgh vs. Wildcats Warriors vs. Rhinos
4:30pm Wreckers vs. Mayhem
Sunday Court 1 Court 2
9:00am Wreckers vs. Pittsburgh Mayhem vs. Rhinos
10:30am Warriors vs. Wildcats
12:00pm Wreckers vs. Rhinos
1:30pm Pittsburgh vs. Warriors Mayhem vs. Wildcats
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